9. Simulate a subsurface mooring with a Cable

The identification tag for this tutorial is PDS-AAK. Input files for this tutorial are in the folder named PDS-AAK in tutorial input files.

9.1. Tutorial overview

This tutorial covers:

  • Creating a simple Subsurface mooring using an ExtMass and an ExtMassCylinder
  • Anchoring a cable to the seabed

9.2. Setting up the Cable

  • Create a new project in PST.
  • Save the project to a new folder.
  • In the environment input file, set $WaterDepth 50.
  • Create a new Cable DObject with the default name Cable_1.
  • Click the State button on the top project ribbon to define the state of Cable_1.
  • Place Node0 at (0,0,25).
  • Place NodeN at (0,0,50).
  • Set the number of elements to 10.
  • Set the length of cable to 25 m. Click Generate.
  • Pin NodeN to the seabed by setting $NodeNStatic 1 in the cable input file.
  • Create a DCableSegment feature in the library called wire_rope_2in.
  • Change the properties to the values shown below. The properties listed represent generic 2 inch wire rope.
// Axial Rigidity
$AxialRigidityMode 0
$EA 2e8

// Fluid loading
$CDc 1.5
$CDt 0.01
$CAc 1

// Mechanical
$EI1 1e3
$EI2 1e3
$GJ 1e3
$Diameter 0.05
$Density 5000
$AxialDampingMode 1
$AxialReferenceDampingRatio 0.5
$CE 1

// Strain Limit
$ElongationLimitMode 0
  • Reference the wire rope feature in the cable input file by adding $CableSegment wire_rope_2in 20.

9.3. Add a mid-line acoustic release

To add an acoustic release to the mooring line, an ExtMassCylinder will be used.

  • Add the following line to the cable input file: $ExtMassCylinder AcousticRelease 10
  • With the cursor on the ExtMassCylinder line in the input file, press F12. A prompt appears to create an extMassCylinder feature called AcousticRelease in the Library. Select Create.
  • Set $ExtMassType 1.

By setting $ExtMassType 1, there are now some additional follower properties that need to be defined.

  • Right click on $ExtMassType 1 and select Resolve follower properties.

This property flag defines how the weight of the ExtMass or ExtMassCylinder is calculated. In this case, the weight will be calculated with the $Mass and $WeightInWater properties instead of $Density.

  • Set the mass of the ExtMassCylinder to 36 kg with $Mass 36.
  • Set the weight in water to 28 kg with $WeightInWater 28.
  • Set the diameter of the cylinder to be 0.13 m.
  • Set the length of the cylinder to be 0.946 m.
  • Set the normal drag coefficient to 0.78 ($CD 0.78) and the axial drag coefficient to 0.85 ($CDAxial 0.93).

9.4. Add a buoy

To represent a spherical float at the end of Cable_1, an ExtMass will be used.

  • Add the following line to the Cable_1 input file: $ExtMass buoy 0
  • With the cursor on the ExtMass line in the input file, press F12. A prompt appears to create an ExtMass feature called float in the feature library. Select Create.

The default density of the ExtMass is 1025 kg/m3. This is approximately the density of seawater, so the buoy would be neutrally buoyant. A buoyant float can be represented by using an ExtMass with a density lower than the surrounding fluid. This is common practice to model a surface buoy or mid-line floats.

  • Change the density to 300 kg/m3 to create a positively buoyant float.
  • Set the diameter of the weight to 1 m.
  • Look at the mooring in the Visualizer by pressing F4.

9.5. Run the simulation

  • Specify a 2.0 m/s uniform current with a heading of 90 degrees.
  • Set the length of simulation to 60 seconds and run the simulation.
  • View the results in PostPDS.
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Fig. 9.1 Subsurface mooring visualized in PostPDS using report mode.

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Fig. 9.2 Acoustic release and buoy visualized in PostPDS using report mode.